"I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Great day out today with the largest group outing to date enjoying Graham's precise agenda and format I think we all had some interesting moments and laughs, although we may not see the most photogenic results when Graham calls for entries.

For those who missed this outing then get ready for the next trip later this summer.

Thanks again Alan, you made OPS history
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Derek Spillman
Thanks for efforts and hard work organising the day out at London today. The photography was good fun but challenging with the list of shots to take, not so the history brain work. I walked around Trafalgar Square for 10 mins looking for small lion statues, that must be worth extra points on my score.  
Thanks again
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Alan Graham
Thanks to all who attended today's 'I Spy in London' a total of 12 members made the trip.

I have 5 out of 12 sets of images in already. If the others could send me theirs asap so that I can see who qualifies to be a 00 agent or a member of Johnny English's department...
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