"I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Alan Graham
I normally get the first off peak train from Chelsfield (9:47) connecting with others at Orpington.

It is up to each individual as to when they head back.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Bob Mabberley
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I'd certainly like to be on this
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Yes please ,it will be a first time for me ColinW
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Afraid I will be dropping out of this outing as just been notified of a long awaited Hospital appointment on Monday 18th and possibly not around for Tuesday 19th.

Shame as looking forward to finding - Red
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Travel details for "I Spy in London".

I will be travelling up on Monday morning by train from Chelsfield on the 09:47.

This calls at Orpington at 09:50 and Petts Wood at 09:54 we will arrive at Charing Cross at 10:28.

Our return is up to you but I expect to catch the 14:06 or 14:36 from Charing Cross arriving Chelsfield at 14:45 or 15:15. (MM will that be early enough?)

We will be walking around The Strand, Covent Garden, Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square. You will each be given a list of images to find, each worth points. There will be two teams but you will not know who you are teamed with. I will explain more on the train.

You will need your camera, memory card(s), spare batteries, mix of lenses and possibly a sense of humour.

We will find time for a light bite along the way which may depend on our numbers.

I will be emailing those who have said they are coming to confirm. I know DB & RW are unavailable.

If you are not on the list but would like to join in please let me know.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

I'am back in for Monday now as received phone call from Kings that my op has been delayed until end April due to an urgent Cancer case, more likely linked to recent strikes.

So back in plus same for next Tuesday Landscapes.
See you at Orp 0950 if you can confirm who's arriving.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Derek Spillman
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I will be coming alone, catching the train at Petts Wood.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Alan Graham
Thanks Derek.

So far I have confirmation from:


I'll be in one of the front coaches as that part of the train is normally empty when it gets to Chelsfield.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Provisional yes from me as well, assuming I'm not asked to take car to garage for repair.

On 14 Apr 2016, at 08:10, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks Derek.

So far I have confirmation from:


I'll be in one of the front coaches as that part of the train is normally empty when it gets to Chelsfield.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
If its not too late and provided my back is OK, I would like to join in if thats OK. I will get the train from Chelsfield Station.

